Wake-up time
Manage your wake-up times and switch it on/off with a simple tap. You can easily define standard times throughout the whole week.
No need to hurry when they say everything is normal. Snooze.
Reminder of your todos, just to get you in the right mood.
Everything is better with music.
From your device or spotify.

The News
Up to 7 news sources, read out one after the other. Whatever you want to.
Forcast for today, for your area.
Your appointments, individually adjustable.
From your device or online.
Got options? Get the current state.
+ Customize
Customize your experience even further.
Atom, RSS, Twitter, Github?
With custom icons!
Wake-up time
Manage your wake-up times and switch it on/off with a simple tap. You can easily definestandard times throughout the whole week.
No need to hurry when they say everything is normal. Snooze.
Reminder of your todos, just to get you in the right mood.
Everything is better with music.
From your device or spotify.
The News
Up to 7 news sources, read out one after the other. Whatever you want to.
What it says. Forcast for today, for your area.
Your appointments, individually adjustable.
From your device or online.
Got options? Get the current state.
+ Customize
Customize your experience even further.
Atom, RSS, Twitter, Github?
With custom icons!
Let’s have a look.
Good Morning Oliver!
It‘s 8:24 on Friday, November 17.
It will be sunny today, with temperatures ranging from 5° minimum to 12° maximum.
Estimated travel time to the headquarters will be 37 minutes.
Todays Appointments
9:30 Angelika
10:30 Meeting with Mike
12:00 Working lunch with the girls
Amazon is at +2.83
Todays headlines in the News
iPhone X changes everything, you got to see to believe.
Kreml doesn’t change, we expected that.
Dropbox changes things that are not broken, here’s why.
Dont forget the milk
Buy football shoes for Constantin
Call Andy
You have 1745 followers
Now get up, please.
We’re done here…. on to your playlist.
Everything’s better with music.
♪ ♫
Let’s lend an ear.
TalkClok uses your device’s built in voices.
You can switch them easily and have options for
read-out speed and the like.
Let’s listen to:

Easy configuration. But fully customizable.
TalkClok basically gets it’s information from two possible sources, your device or the internet. Wherever possible you’ll have both options to gather the data, like
- Calendar, data from smartphone or google calendar
- Music, your playlists or spotify
- Tasks, data from smartphone or google tasks
You can fully customize TalkClok in numerous ways, let’s have a look at some typical setting-screens.

Easy configuration. But fully customizable.
TalkClok basically gets it’s information from two possible sources, your device or the internet. Wherever possible you’ll have both options to gather the data, like
- Calendar, data from smartphone or google calendar
- Music, your playlists or spotify
- Tasks, data from smartphone or google tasks
You can fully customize TalkClok in numerous ways, let’s have a look @ some typical setting-screens.

Don’t like color?
Try mono.

Power Couple.
All you need on your wrist.
TalkClok has a neat companion app on the Apple Watch.
Only the actions you need, large enough to not be missed.
Repeat / Shut up.
Tap it, get it.

Geekshow. More options, more customization.
You can add your custom personalized data to TalkClok and even choose* a fitting icon for it! We’re happy to read your JSON, XML, RSS, ATOM or custom ascii. As long as it’s somewhere on the internet.
*we supply a lot of icons for your convenience.

Geekshow. More options, more customization.
You can add your custom personalized data to TalkClok and even choose* a fitting icon for it! We’re happy to read your JSON, XML, RSS, ATOM or custom ascii. As long as it’s somewhere on the internet.
*we supply a lot of icons for your convenience.

You can even upcycle your old phone if you want.

Will run on old decvices. iPhone 5 and higher.
Android version coming soon.
Press, general inquiries and questions
to be adressed to the guy with the idea:
Oliver Ottner